Hey, I was just robbed !
I had this vivid dream that I was standing inside a crowded subway train and noticed someone had lifted my wallet.
There were credit cards, my driver’s license and cash inside. Panic hit me, well, like a freight train. I needed to get them back or spend the rest of the week trying to cancel cards and apply for a new license.
Were those beautiful eyes focused on my wallet?
The rest of the dream was an exhaustive series of twists and turns as I tried frantically to figure out how this happened. Was it the attractive woman standing next to me? She did lean into me on more than one occasion when the train shifted. I may have been swimming inside those beautiful dark almond eyes while the deed was in progress.
Giving chase in concrete boots
I got off at the next stop and tried to figure out which direction she might have gone. Each time I thought I saw her, the woman I was following moved stealthily down an alley or inside a shop.
While she seemed to walk at a brisk pace, I followed wearing boots made of concrete.
Phew! It was all just a bad dream!
I awoke feeling as if I just finished a half marathon. When I realized it was just a dream, I felt so grateful. I also felt like I’d just gotten away with something.
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Bill Heitland is the author of three books, Adversity’s Early Light, Chance Evers, and Two for the Seesaw.